Excel cascading list function


I would like to use the Excel cascading list function on a Smartsheet sheet. Is it possible?

Thanks for your help!


  • Paul Newcome
    Paul Newcome Community Champion

    I am not very familiar with cascading lists in Excel, but I am pretty familiar with Smartsheet. Are you able to explain how the functionality works, and maybe we can come up with something based on that?

  • The idea is to be able to create lists that depend on each other. 

    Example: If I have a single choice column with car brands and a column with models, I would like the model choices in the second column to adapt automatically depending on the brand chosen in the first column.

    (if I choose BMW in the first column, the choice in the second column would be only BMW models)

    Thank you !

  • Paul Newcome
    Paul Newcome Community Champion

    That would be something where you would have to explore API or other 3rd party app options. That kind of functionality is not native to Smartsheet.

    There is a bit of a workaround that is not the smoothest or cleanest but could help. Basically you would create separate columns where the only available options were those models associated with a particular brand. Then you would use conditional formatting to grey out the columns that don't line up with the selected brand and only leave "un grey" the column with the models that are associated with the selected brand. Not the cleanest or most intuitive, but that's about all that can be done within Smartsheet unfortunately.

    Dynamic dropdown lists would be a really nice feature though, so feel free to submit a product enhancement request when you have a moment.