Without using Project settings/working days, (If date is a holiday, then.....) formula

This isn't working for me. I have holidays for the next two years in (Date Observed), then I have a series of dates for task or project due dates that can't be due on a holiday. I have this so far and it doesn't work:

=if(or(Date@row=[Date Observed]4,,Date@row=[Date Observed]5,Date@row=[Date Observed]6,,Date@row=[Date Observed]7,Date@row=[Date Observed]8,,Date@row=[Date Observed]9,,Date@row=[Date Observed]10,,Date@row=[Date Observed]11,Date@row=[Date Observed]13,Date@row=[Date Observed]14,Date

@row=[Date Observed]15,Date@row=[Date Observed]16,Date@row=[Date Observed]17,Date@row=[Date Observed]18,Date@row=[Date Observed]19,Date@row=[Date Observed]20,Date@row=[Date Observed]21,Date@row=[Date Observed]22,Date@row=[Date Observed]23,Date@row=[Date Observed]24),Date@row+1,date@row)


David L. Reed

Finance Transformation / SOX Advisor

Zeevo Group LLC

701 Fifth Avenue; Floor 42, Seattle, WA 98104 USA

Mobile: +1 253 250 5259


Best Answer

  • Jason Duryea
    Jason Duryea ✭✭✭✭✭✭
    Answer ✓

    I'm assuming you're trying to use this formula in a project schedule. If this is the case and you have Dependencies enabled, you cannot use a formula in either the Start or Finish date columns.

    Short of this, I see a few places in your formula where there a double commas without a condition between them.


  • Jason Duryea
    Jason Duryea ✭✭✭✭✭✭
    Answer ✓

    I'm assuming you're trying to use this formula in a project schedule. If this is the case and you have Dependencies enabled, you cannot use a formula in either the Start or Finish date columns.

    Short of this, I see a few places in your formula where there a double commas without a condition between them.

  • dlreed13
    dlreed13 ✭✭✭


    Thank you very much. the double commas were the issue. It works now, but I am still hoping to see if there is a if index match scenario that I can shorten this in the future

    Thanks again,


    David L. Reed

    Finance Transformation / SOX Advisor

    Zeevo Group LLC

    701 Fifth Avenue; Floor 42, Seattle, WA 98104 USA

    Mobile: +1 253 250 5259


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