Formula to count a value within a given range

I am trying to write a formula that must meet (2) criteria and then count the number of values that are:


=500 and <=999 ( this is the formula I cannot write for some reason)


I have been successful at pulling the two criteria but cannot figure out how to add the count in the formula. I set them up and can pull the 500 value and the less then 500 value but not the in between value.

here is what I have to identify anything under <500:

COUNTIFS({Tank Inventory Range 2}, [Column2]19, {Tank Inventory Range 1}, [Column3]19, {Tank Inventory -Planning Range 2}, <500)

[Column2]19- Pulling Active Tanks (Active / Closed)

[Column3]19- Is pulling Air Tanks (Air / Ground)

Thanks in advance for any assistance, its greatly appreciated!!



  • Hi @Glenn McIntyre

    If you have a range within the same column in a COUNTIFS, try listing the column twice, once for each criteria, like so:

    COUNTIFS({Tank Inventory Range 2}, [Column2]19, {Tank Inventory Range 1}, [Column3]19, {Tank Inventory -Planning Range 2}, >=500, {Tank Inventory -Planning Range 2}, <=999)

    Let me know if this works for you!



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