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Sum only the number values, excluding #INVALID OPERATION

Hi there,

I am currently looking to set up a formula, which will sum up the numerical children value only. There are few cells in the range with "#INVALID OPERATION" (as the result of another formula from a different sheet, this will be resolved once we get all the information from our supplier in the future) and because of them, I am unable to just use =sum(children()) to get the value.

Any help would be appreciated and thanks in advance.


  • J. Craig Williams
    J. Craig Williams ✭✭✭✭✭✭


    If I understand correctly, formulas that reference cells that have an error will also have an error. You need to correct or mask the #INVALID OPERATION errors to get the SUM working properly.

    Take a look at IFERROR() to mask the errors until the data comes in.


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