How can I count the number of incoming calls per month using the "=countif" formula


I've had a chance to look around and found some information on being able to count the number of calls for a given month. However I'm stuck as the formula I'm entering is not working, stating it's an incorrect argument.

Here is the formula. =COUNTIF({Call Flow Tracking Range 1}, >=DATE(2021, 8, 1), {Call Flow Tracking Range 1}, <=DATE(2021, 8, 31)) + ""

  • I've tried to switch < & = signs around, which resulted in #UNPARSEABLE.
  • Then, taking out all of the spaces, which resulted in #INCORRECT ARGUMENT.
  • I tried adding " " around arguments, which resulted in #UNPARSEABLE.

I'm referencing the date Column in "Call Flow Tracking" which is range 1 (below)

What am I missing? The return value (call total) should be 84 for Aug21, 235 for Sep21, and 150 for Oct21.

Best Answer

  • Suki S
    Suki S ✭✭
    Answer ✓

    Smartsheet answered me. This works, Yeah!

    =COUNTIFS({Call Flow Tracking Range 1}, >= DATE(2021, 8, 1), {Call Flow Tracking Range 1}, <= DATE(2021, 8, 31))


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