Using IF and CONTAINS in one formula


I am trying to create a formula that returns:

Tolerable if the answer is Low

Tolerable if the answer is Medium

Acceptable if the answer is High

Acceptible if the answer contains Urgent.

I need to figure out how to use "CONTAINS" because some answers have dashes and other things that mess up the formulas.

=IF(Answer@row = "Yes", "Acceptable", IF(Answer@row = "No", "Undesirable", IF(Answer@row = "Not Applicable", "Tolerable", IF(Answer@row CONTAINS "Urgent", "Acceptable))))

I am getting lost at the "CONTAINS" part.

Best Answer

  • USB Mike
    USB Mike ✭✭
    Answer ✓

    =IF(OR(CONTAINS("Yes",Answer@row),CONTAINS("Urgent","Answer@row)),"Acceptable", IF(CONTAINS("No",Answer@row), "Undesirable", IF(CONTAINS("Not Applicable",Answer@row),"Tolerable","")))

    I believe that should do it. I combined both your variables that yield acceptable.


  • USB Mike
    USB Mike ✭✭
    Answer ✓

    =IF(OR(CONTAINS("Yes",Answer@row),CONTAINS("Urgent","Answer@row)),"Acceptable", IF(CONTAINS("No",Answer@row), "Undesirable", IF(CONTAINS("Not Applicable",Answer@row),"Tolerable","")))

    I believe that should do it. I combined both your variables that yield acceptable.

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