Reporting on Linked Dependencies?



I have a program with 40+ project plans many of which have inter plan dependencies (with cells linking the dependent task or output from one plan to anouther). As part of my QA process, I want to create a report that will identify these linked dependencies in each project plan either as a sum total or listing out the detail of each dependency. Has anyone done something like this? I could ask people to tag a new column as an inter project linked dependency but I want to avoid yet anouther manual workaround. Cheers.



Best Answer

  • Genevieve P.
    Genevieve P. Employee Admin
    Answer ✓

    Hi @Angus Bishop

    I personally haven't done this before, but what you suggest at the end is how I would set this up. You would need some sort of identifier on the row to indicate that this specific row has a linked dependency, so yes, a manual checkbox or flag, etc. Then the Report would use that manual indicator to bring the rows together.

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