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Countifs formula using or

Monica ✭✭✭✭
edited 12/09/19 in Archived 2017 Posts

Hello.  I am trying to count the RYG ball (in this case red) for each team.  One of our teams is comprised of three sub-teams, so I need for it to be counted if any of those show a red ball.  How do I create or for the Team section of this formula?

=COUNTIFS([Overall KPO Status]:[Overall KPO Status], "Red", Team:Team, {"Loyalty", "Partnership", "Portfolio Marketings"})

I searched the community for similar questions and checked the Smarsheet Formula Examples sheet, but I still can figure it out.

Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.



  • Try: 

    =COUNTIFS(CHILDREN(), "Red", CHILDREN(Team:Team), "Loyalty")

  • Monica
    Monica ✭✭✭✭
  • Monica
    Monica ✭✭✭✭

    My solution in April was to break up the formulas for red, yellow, and green for each sub-team.  

    =COUNTIFS([Overall KPO Status]:[Overall KPO Status], "Red", Team:Team, "Sub-Team1")

    =COUNTIFS([Overall KPO Status]:[Overall KPO Status], "Red", Team:Team, "Sub-Team2")

    =COUNTIFS([Overall KPO Status]:[Overall KPO Status], "Red", Team:Team, "Sub-Team3")


    And then, I summed the children rows for each color individually for the overall team.



    That ended up being 16 rows worth of formulas when I was hoping to use 3 rows by creating one formula for each color to include all the sub-teams.


    Does that make sense?

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