Looking for last date before today, referencing unique identifier

Hi, I'm looking for a formula that will reference a unique identifier (Unique Object ID) in a list of other Object IDs, and collect the last date but that is less than today. The following formula works to return the last date, but some return a future date which I don't want. I need the date that is closest to today but is not in the future.

So far I have this and it returns the last date, referencing the Unique Object ID = Patient ID:

=MAX(COLLECT({240 Data Mapping by Patient Range 13}, {240 Data Mapping by Patient Range 6}, [Patient ID]@row))

I tried adding the @cell <= today() but it didn't work:

=MAX(COLLECT({240 Data Mapping by Patient Range 13}, {240 Data Mapping by Patient Range 6}, [Patient ID]@row), @cell <= TODAY())

Thanks in advance!

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