Once my child dots are all green, is there a formula to automatically turn the parent dot green?


Parent: Onboarding

Child: I-9

Child: W-4

Child: etc.

Once I mark all the child dots green, I would like for Onboarding to automatically turn green.

Best Answer


  • Kelly Moore
    Kelly Moore Community Champion
    edited 11/10/21

    Hey @Eric Leon

    This formula will turn the Onboarding ball green if all Onboarding children are green. What color would you like the ball to be if all children are not green? As written, I have the Parent Ball be Red if all children are not Green. By counting the children in your primary column (be sure to insert the actual name of your primary column) you will be certain the total children number is complete.

    =IF(COUNT(CHILDREN([Primary column]@row)) = COUNTIFS(CHILDREN(Onboarding@row), "Green"), "Green", "Red")

    Are the child balls turned by formula, or do you change the color manually? If the children balls are changed by formula, what formula are you using? We can combine the two so that all changes would then be automatic.


  • Thank you @Kelly Moore !

    All balls will start off Red, and team will manually change the Children to Green balls once task is complete. The hopeful outcome once all Children balls are complete, the Parent ball will automatically change to Green.

  • Kelly Moore
    Kelly Moore Community Champion


    To edit the formula above to match your columns, the formula you are inserting in the parent rows of the Status column is:

    =IF(COUNT(CHILDREN([Onboarding Paperwork]@row)) = COUNTIFS(CHILDREN(Status), "Green"), "Green", "Red"



  • Eric Leon
    Eric Leon ✭✭
    edited 11/10/21

    Thank you @Kelly Moore ! Still popping up #unparseable However, this is a great start an I think I can figure out what I need to do. Thank you!

  • Kelly Moore
    Kelly Moore Community Champion
    Answer ✓

    oops, I forgot the @row after Status. my bad

    =IF(COUNT(CHILDREN([Onboarding Paperwork]@row)) = COUNTIFS(CHILDREN(Status@row), "Green"), "Green", "Red")

  • Appreciate you rechecking!

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