Info in email alert not same as on smartsheet

Dan Tanner
Dan Tanner ✭✭✭✭
edited 11/12/21 in Formulas and Functions

Good morning,

I created a Smartsheet for employee anniversaries. The formulas and automations are all working perfectly, there's just one strange thing that is happening.

In my Smartsheet, I have a formula to calculate the anniversary number which works great, however, the anniversary number doesn't always translate to the alert. When I get this alert at 8am, I immediately check the spreadsheet and the anniversary number is correct.

The only thing I can come up with is that the formula doesn't work until I open the Smartsheet, but that doesn't seem right...

I've attached a screen shot of the email and a screen shot of the relevant info of the Smartsheet. Please advise any ideas.


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