How to split a multiselection dropdwn Column to various single columns

Otman ✭✭
edited 11/12/21 in Formulas and Functions

Hi, I am sending a form for customers, and they have to select the regions when they want to have a service.

Once I received their selections, I need to split the

multiselections dropdown column to different column containing the different

regions selected but individually to be able to send specific notifications for

specific persons, please have a look to my example, and provide me any

suggestions, thank you in advance for your help.


  • Paul Newcome
    Paul Newcome Community Champion

    This could potentially be rather tricky or it could be rather straightforward...

    Will each selection always be two characters in length?

  • Otman
    Otman ✭✭
    edited 11/12/21

    Hi Paul, Thank you in advance for your help, in this case yes only two caracters in lengths, but i have another case where its 3, 4 or caracters in lengths for the multislections column, Please advice how i can resolve this issues. these informations are coming form forms, I would like to split them automatically to the individual answers to be able to send email and folders to specifics persons depending in the selection.

    Best regards

  • Paul Newcome
    Paul Newcome Community Champion

    For the case where it is only ever 2 you would use something along the lines of this...

    =MID([Multi-Select Column]@row, 1, 2)

    Then just keep adding 3 to the number in bold above to adjust which selection is separated.

    For the other cases where they could be a variable character length, there are a few different parsing solutions here in the Community that you could search for/take a look at. You will know when you have found the correct one when you see that the first formula is a basic LEFT function and then the remaining formulas are a LEFT function with a nested SUBSTITUTE.

  • Otman
    Otman ✭✭

    Hi Paul,

    Thank you for your answers, i highly apprecaite your feedback,

    I did use this function : =IF(CONTAINS("AGA"; [Colonne4]@row:[Colonne4]@row); "AGA")

    AGA was a selection from a multiselection drop down list (Colonne 4) in the formula and its works. I would able to split the difference chioces in the multiselection drop down list in various individual columns for ( 1 column for each choice) that help me to send specific automatic notifications and email to specific responsable of these areas.

    Best regards

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