Can Automation Workflow update a column with information that is populated in another column

We have a column called "Case (Internal Only)" that people clear out when the Status becomes Cancelled. I've tried to get the users to stop doing this but it keeps happening. I'd like to have the information currently populated in this column added to a new column that will be locked and hidden, preventing users from changing it.

I created a rule that uses the mail merge technique, putting the column name with the data I want to load in the double curly brackets {{Case (Internal Only)}}. Unfortunately, this didn't work, the field loads with {{Case (Internal Only)}}.

Here is the rule I created.

Here is what the field shows in the sheet

Any suggestions on how I can get this to work?

Best Answer

  • Genevieve P.
    Genevieve P. Employee
    Answer ✓

    Hi @Dianne

    Placeholders {{like this}} are specific only to the values that appear in an email automation. Currently Change Cell workflows need you to identify the exact value you want input into the cell, which is why you see the text {{Case (Internal Only)}}.

    If you need this value "stamped" into another column, I agree with @Andrée Starå's solution above: you would need to copy the data to another, hidden sheet so that it's stored somewhere else in a static fashion. Then you can use a formula to populate your helper column.

    Please also provide the Product team with your feedback and use-case by filling in this form, here!



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