How to insert and update a sheet from different sources Excel File in Box and Smartsheet sheet

Hi All,

Currently I am inserting/updating sheet A (target) from Excel file B (source) using Data Shuttle. The unique column in A is project code. If a record exists in A, data shuttle will update all the columns from B otherwise it will insert the row. Now I would like to copy data from another sheet C (another source) to A. How can I do this?. Thank you in advance for your help.



  • Hi @Tony Gu

    Have you taken a look at the Copy Row workflow? You could set up an automation on Sheet C to copy specific rows over to Sheet A based on a trigger (such as a new row is added or a checkbox is checked). See: Automatically Move or Copy Rows Between Sheets

    Another option may be the premium add-on DataMesh (different to Data Shuttle). See: Smartsheet DataMesh App



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  • Tony Gu
    Tony Gu ✭✭

    Thank you for the response Genevieve.

    I was able to set up automation to copy row from one sheet to another. My problem now is if there is any updates in the source, how to update it in the target instead of copying another row.

    Thank you


  • Hi @Tony Gu

    The Copy Row automation will copy the data once in a static copy/paste, as you've found. If you need the data to be dynamic, it actually sounds like you may want to create a Report instead of copying rows over.

    In the Report you could select sheet A and sheet C as two different sources. Then it will show you all the rows from both locations and will update as they both update. You can also make changes in the Report and it will update the underlying sheets. (See: SmartStart: Reporting) Would that work better for your process?



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