Can a form open the Smartsheet Contacts List like the sheet does on a contact list field?

When a Contact List column type is used in a sheet, the dropdown arrow opens the Smartsheet Contacts List to choose the relevant person. The form uses email validation on that same field but it doesn't open the Smartsheet Contacts List like the sheet. The email validation requires the form user to type a valid email address format, but it doesn't verify that the email address actually exists. Is there a way the form can open the Smartsheet Contacts List like the sheet does? If not, how do we get the proper company staff info in the field when users only enter data from the form? We want Smartsheet automation to immediately notify staff that have been entered in the various fields.

Here's a screenshot the Smartsheet Contacts List in the sheet. Notice the top row has an email address for Michael Jordan that was entered on the form. I guarantee you Michael Jordan doesn't work at my company. 😜 Any way to get this list to work on the form?
