Convert price for Lbs. into Kgs.

Hello, I'm working on a pricing list project and need a formula to convert pounds to kilogram values.

I could use simple math here, but some of the prices are already in kilos, so the formula should take that into account.

Best Answer

  • Kelly Moore
    Kelly Moore Community Champion
    Answer ✓

    Hey @Kashmala Zaman

    This formula looks at the unit of measure column for evaluation. If the UoM is already in KGs, it uses the 2021 price. Otherwise, it multiples that price by the conversion factor. ($11.40/lb * 2.2.046lb/kg). If this isn't the equation you need, you can plug it in - the logic of the IF statement would stay the same.

    =IF(UoM@row="KG", [2021 Price/...?]@row, [2021 Price/...?]@row*2.2046)

    I couldn't read the entire name of the Price column. I had to assume it said something like Price per UoM. Make sure the correct column name is used in your formula.

    Verify the conversion factor is exactly the factor you need to use - the number of digits (significant figures) in the factor make a difference.

    Let me know if this doesn't work for you and we can tweak it until it does.




  • Kelly Moore
    Kelly Moore Community Champion
    Answer ✓

    Hey @Kashmala Zaman

    This formula looks at the unit of measure column for evaluation. If the UoM is already in KGs, it uses the 2021 price. Otherwise, it multiples that price by the conversion factor. ($11.40/lb * 2.2.046lb/kg). If this isn't the equation you need, you can plug it in - the logic of the IF statement would stay the same.

    =IF(UoM@row="KG", [2021 Price/...?]@row, [2021 Price/...?]@row*2.2046)

    I couldn't read the entire name of the Price column. I had to assume it said something like Price per UoM. Make sure the correct column name is used in your formula.

    Verify the conversion factor is exactly the factor you need to use - the number of digits (significant figures) in the factor make a difference.

    Let me know if this doesn't work for you and we can tweak it until it does.



  • Kashmala Zaman
    Kashmala Zaman ✭✭✭✭

    Thanks a lot, @Kelly Moore It works perfectly fine. :)

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