Index/Match works on all rows except a couple



I have a strange issue where my INDEX/MATCH formula seems to work on all rows except, for example, this one below.

This is a listing of requests for a client. I've hidden certain columns for privacy, but the hidden columns are not used at all in the formula. Every request has a unique ID (primary column). There are certain requests that are duplicates. For example. request #182 is a duplicate request of request #176. They are denoted as such because I needed a way to filter for only unique requests.

What is supposed to happen is that the Repeat Status column should match the Status of the unique request. So here, Repeat Status for Request #182 should say Not Started to match Request #176. There is a column formula for Repeat Status that goes as such:

=INDEX(Status:Status, MATCH([Repeat Request]@row, [Unique ID]:[Unique ID]))

Am I missing something here? Or do I need to contact customer support? I've verified that there is only ONE "176" in the Unique ID column.

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