Order duplicates


How to get order in the list of duplicates(1,2,3...) to after export each value to different colums

For example: spain 90, spain 30, france 20¡, france 22 italy 20

1 2 3

Spain 90 30 -

France 20 22 -

Italy 20 - -

Anybody that can help me?

Thank you in advance

Best Answer

  • Genevieve P.
    Genevieve P. Employee
    Answer ✓

    Hi @Paphyrus

    Thank you for clarifying! You can use an INDEX(COLLECT function to bring back a value based on a matching unique identifier across sheets.

    At the end of the INDEX function you can put 1 for the first row that matches in your first column, then swap it for 2 for the second row that matches in your second column, etc.

    For example, in Column 1:

    =INDEX(COLLECT({Total Score Column}, {Dept Column}, PROJECT@row), 1)

    Column 2:

    =INDEX(COLLECT({Total Score Column}, {Dept Column}, PROJECT@row), 2)

    However if there isn't a second or third row you'll get an error. In this instance, wrap the whole formula in an IFERROR, like so:

    =IFERROR(NDEX(COLLECT({Total Score Column}, {Dept Column}, PROJECT@row), 1), "")

    Let me know if that works/makes sense.



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