Trouble with a COUNTIFS formula


I can't figure out how to make a COUNTIFS formula to work.

This works: =COUNTIFS({Target Launch Date}, <=TODAY(30), {Target Launch Date}, >TODAY(0))

This works: =COUNTIFS({Header}, <>1)

This doesn't work: =COUNTIFS({Target Launch Date}, <=TODAY(30), {Target Launch Date}, >TODAY(0), {Header} <> 1)


I'm getting an #INCORRECT ARGUMENT SET error

Target Launch Date = Date field

Header = Checkbox

(*I used Bold and Italicize to show components of the 2 formulas combined. I would have used colors, but not available.)

Best Answer

  • Scott Brown
    Answer ✓

    I reset the Target Launch Date reference, and it started working.

    Here's the steps I took: Hover over the formula, click 'Edit Reference' and re-select the same column you (thought you) were referencing already...

    Hope this helps someone


  • Scott Brown
    Answer ✓

    I reset the Target Launch Date reference, and it started working.

    Here's the steps I took: Hover over the formula, click 'Edit Reference' and re-select the same column you (thought you) were referencing already...

    Hope this helps someone

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