Formula question when counting 2 values in a restricted drop down values only column

Hi, hope you can help me.

I have this formula

=COUNTIFS({Clients Status Active}, "Active", {Client Grouping}, "Remote Access + Shared Folder – Not Validated")

and i want to add 1 more criteria

{Primary ID}, "Y", "Generic")

I want it to count both the "Y and Generic" in the primary ID column.

I keep getting a incorrect argument error

Best Answer

  • Kelly Moore
    Kelly Moore Community Champion
    Answer ✓

    Hey @Peggy

    The OR function should help you get what you need.

    =COUNTIFS({Clients Status Active}, "Active", {Client Grouping}, "Remote Access + Shared Folder – Not Validated", {Primary ID}, OR(@cell="Y", @cell="Generic"))

    Please remember if you have not created your {Primary ID} reference that you will need to manuall insert that through the formula window.

    Does this work for you?



  • Kelly Moore
    Kelly Moore Community Champion
    Answer ✓

    Hey @Peggy

    The OR function should help you get what you need.

    =COUNTIFS({Clients Status Active}, "Active", {Client Grouping}, "Remote Access + Shared Folder – Not Validated", {Primary ID}, OR(@cell="Y", @cell="Generic"))

    Please remember if you have not created your {Primary ID} reference that you will need to manuall insert that through the formula window.

    Does this work for you?


  • Peggy
    Peggy ✭✭✭✭✭

    Thank you Kelly! That worked :-)

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