Getting an unparseable error for my formula =IF,VLOOKUP


I am getting an error and i tried INDEX and MATCH as well. Here is my stmt

I want to pull a unique number in a column when the row has a grouping of "Remote Access + No shared Folder"

=IF({Client Grouping}@row = "Remote Access + No shared Folder", VLOOKUP({Active Clients - Master Range 1}@row, 1))

not sure what else i can try.

thank you,


Best Answer

  • KevAnalyst
    KevAnalyst ✭✭✭
    Answer ✓


    VLOOKUP( search_value, lookup_table, column_num, [ match_type ])

    The first three variables are required (search_value, lookup_table, column_num) and the search value must be the leftmost column in the lookup_table. The way your sheet is currently set up, you cannot use VLOOKUP. Further, Smartsheet does not support array functions and it looks like you're going to try and pull all Universal ID's that are Remote Access + No Shared Folder. VLOOKUP will only find the first Unique ID that has Remote Access + No Shared Folder even if your sheet was set up with Client Grouping as the leftmost column. However, you can add a column to the left of Unique ID and copy over the data from Client Grouping and use VLOOKUP that way (again it will only pull the first Universal ID that has Remote Access + No Shared Folder). You probably want to find another solution to this like a Report. If you must have a separate sheet for this then you could mirror the columns you need to pull from the first sheet and then apply a filter to hide everything that is not Remote Access + Not Shared Folder.

    In short, you are getting an error because you do not have correct variables in your VLOOKUP function but I don't think VLOOKUP is the solution you ultimately need based off the limited information I have.

    Hope this helps!



  • Jeff M.
    Jeff M. ✭✭✭

    Could you provide screenshots of your sheet with sensitive information removed?

    Are you looking for Remote Access & No Shared Folder to appear in 2 separate columns in a row? Are you pulling the unique number from that row that contains these 2 selections? Or are you trying to insert a unique number into a column on that row?

  • Peggy
    Peggy ✭✭✭✭✭

    Hi - I am trying to pull this universal id number from sheet 1 and copy it to the sheet 2, when the column grouping = Remote Access + No shared Folder

  • Peggy
    Peggy ✭✭✭✭✭

    Hi, can someone help on this?

  • Peggy
    Peggy ✭✭✭✭✭

    I have tried this both ways

    =VLOOKUP({Active Clients - Master Range 1}@row, 6, IF({Client Grouping}@row = "Remote Access + No shared Folder"), 1, false)

    =IF({Client Grouping}@row = "Remote Access + No shared Folder"), VLOOKUP({Active Clients - Master Range 1}, 1, false))

  • KevAnalyst
    KevAnalyst ✭✭✭
    Answer ✓


    VLOOKUP( search_value, lookup_table, column_num, [ match_type ])

    The first three variables are required (search_value, lookup_table, column_num) and the search value must be the leftmost column in the lookup_table. The way your sheet is currently set up, you cannot use VLOOKUP. Further, Smartsheet does not support array functions and it looks like you're going to try and pull all Universal ID's that are Remote Access + No Shared Folder. VLOOKUP will only find the first Unique ID that has Remote Access + No Shared Folder even if your sheet was set up with Client Grouping as the leftmost column. However, you can add a column to the left of Unique ID and copy over the data from Client Grouping and use VLOOKUP that way (again it will only pull the first Universal ID that has Remote Access + No Shared Folder). You probably want to find another solution to this like a Report. If you must have a separate sheet for this then you could mirror the columns you need to pull from the first sheet and then apply a filter to hide everything that is not Remote Access + Not Shared Folder.

    In short, you are getting an error because you do not have correct variables in your VLOOKUP function but I don't think VLOOKUP is the solution you ultimately need based off the limited information I have.

    Hope this helps!


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