IF/OR/NOT formula: What am I doing wrong?

Mary Ayers
Mary Ayers ✭✭✭✭
edited 02/02/22 in Formulas and Functions

There are three criteria that programs must meet before we can release the hold on their reservations:

1) Covid safety plan in place

2) Approval to bring minors to campus

3) Housing plans in place

Here is the formula I'm working on, which is returning an "unparseable" error message:

=IF(OR(NOT([COVID Safety Plan]@row = "Not Yet Uploaded", OR[Minors Upload]@row= "Not Yet Uploaded", OR[Housing Upload]@row = "Not Yet Uploaded"))), "Release Hold", "Hold"

I will be setting up workflow according to the "Hold Status" column (activated if the status changes to "Release Hold").

Thanks in advance!


P.S. There are more options than "Not Yet Uploaded" and "Uploaded", so I have to go with the "NOT" in this case.


Best Answer

  • Jason Duryea
    Jason Duryea ✭✭✭✭✭✭
    Answer ✓

    Sorry, I goofed on the previous formula...the corrected one is below.

    =IF(AND(NOT([COVID Safety Plan]@row = "Not Yet Uploaded"), NOT([Minors Upload]@row = "Not Yet Uploaded"), NOT([Housing Upload]@row = "Not Yet Uploaded")), "Release Hold", "Hold")


  • Jason Duryea
    Jason Duryea ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    If all three criteria are required then the formula should be using the AND() function, not the OR() function. The AND() or OR() functions only need to be used once, with all criteria separated with a comma as shown below.

    =IF(AND(NOT([COVID Safety Plan]@row = "Not Yet Uploaded", [Minors Upload]@row = "Not Yet Uploaded", [Housing Upload]@row = "Not Yet Uploaded")), "Release Hold", "Hold")

    Using a single AND() will require all three criteria to be true for the IF() statement to result in "Release Hold". If ANY criteria doesn't match, then it will result in "Hold".

  • Jason Duryea
    Jason Duryea ✭✭✭✭✭✭
    Answer ✓

    Sorry, I goofed on the previous formula...the corrected one is below.

    =IF(AND(NOT([COVID Safety Plan]@row = "Not Yet Uploaded"), NOT([Minors Upload]@row = "Not Yet Uploaded"), NOT([Housing Upload]@row = "Not Yet Uploaded")), "Release Hold", "Hold")

  • Mary Ayers
    Mary Ayers ✭✭✭✭

    Thank you, Jason! That did it! :)


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