Automated workflow with Formula

i am trying to add a formula to a cell when a row is created or changed.

i have read almost everything and they say use a helper column, great, but i still have to copy the fomula to the newly added rows.

i trying to add this formula to a cell (Year column) on new rows, =IF([Request Date]@row <> "", YEAR([Request Date]@row), "").

any ideas or help?

Best Answer

  • Kelly Moore
    Kelly Moore Community Champion
    Answer ✓

    Hello @Stephen Hindes

    It sounds like the CONVERT TO COLUMN FORMULA will solve your problem. This can be found in the CELL menu. Right-click on a cell that already contains the formula you want for the entire column. You'll find Convert to Column Formula at the very bottom of the menu. NOTE: remember once converted to a column formula you must go back into the cell menu to edit the formula.

    You can find more information on Column Formulas here



  • Kelly Moore
    Kelly Moore Community Champion
    Answer ✓

    Hello @Stephen Hindes

    It sounds like the CONVERT TO COLUMN FORMULA will solve your problem. This can be found in the CELL menu. Right-click on a cell that already contains the formula you want for the entire column. You'll find Convert to Column Formula at the very bottom of the menu. NOTE: remember once converted to a column formula you must go back into the cell menu to edit the formula.

    You can find more information on Column Formulas here


  • that worked great, BIG thanks

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Check out the Formula Handbook template!