Nested IF formulas

Hello, I'm new round here. Please excuse the entry level ask.

I have an array of 3x3 cells. In each row only 1 of the 3 cells will be completed and I want to return a value from another cell depending on which of 2 the 3 cells are blanks.

I have these 3 formulas working as expected in isolation, but I am struggling to nest them into one formula that I can convert to a column formula.

=IF(AND(ISBLANK([Planning Phase]@row), ISBLANK([Event Type]@row)), [Task Strap]@row)

=IF(AND(ISBLANK([Task Name]@row), ISBLANK([Event Type]@row)), [Planning Strap]@row)

=IF(AND(ISBLANK([Task Name]@row), ISBLANK([Planning Phase]@row)), [Event Strap]@row)

Can anyone help with the syntax or propose a more elegant solution?

In case some background is useful. I want to apply a different strap label items in my Gantt chart depending on whether the items are Project level plans, Project Milestones or Tasks within a Sprint.

Many thanks,



Best Answer

  • Sameer Karkhanis
    Sameer Karkhanis ✭✭✭✭✭✭
    Answer ✓

    Try this,

    =IF(AND(ISBLANK([Planning Phase]@row), ISBLANK([Event Type]@row)), [Task Strap]@row,

    IF(AND(ISBLANK([Task Name]@row), ISBLANK([Event Type]@row)), [Planning Strap]@row,

    IF(AND(ISBLANK([Task Name]@row), ISBLANK([Planning Phase]@row)), [Event Strap]@row)))


  • Sameer Karkhanis
    Sameer Karkhanis ✭✭✭✭✭✭
    Answer ✓

    Try this,

    =IF(AND(ISBLANK([Planning Phase]@row), ISBLANK([Event Type]@row)), [Task Strap]@row,

    IF(AND(ISBLANK([Task Name]@row), ISBLANK([Event Type]@row)), [Planning Strap]@row,

    IF(AND(ISBLANK([Task Name]@row), ISBLANK([Planning Phase]@row)), [Event Strap]@row)))

  • Jim B
    Jim B ✭✭✭

    Yep. That's it. Pesky brackets!!

    Thanks so much for your help you have saved me many hours of unscrambling.

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