What tools are available within Smartsheet to managed file storage?

We have an enterprise account and have around 500gb of storage. Across our site we have hundreds of users, and multiple interlinked systems, files, videos etc.

We are eating into our file storage, but have no way of identifying which workspaces are using all the space up as you cannot see how much each of these takes up on the server.

The only way to view how much space we have left is to go into the 'Plan & Billing' and this just gives you a total amount of files space left in a confusingly titled 'File Store Limit'.

Smartsheet seems to be enforcing a file storage limit within our enterprise account, but not providing any tools or information to manage the data we store.

So now it's a guessing game as to what files, folders and workspaces we need to tidy up and archive to ensure we don't run out later down the line.

To summarise, Which tools are available to us to manage our data?
