Children Parent % not calculating


I'm trying to build a sheet that calculates a percentage off of a Status column, but the column is not returning a percentage and the =AVG(Children) section. This is my mess of a formula

=IF(IsParent@row = 0, IF(OR([Rally Status]@row = "Submitted", [Rally Status]@row = "Acknowledged", [Rally Status]@row = "Not Started/Backlogged", [Rally Status]@row = "0", [Rally Status]@row = "Defined/Ready"), ".15", (IF([Rally Status]@row = "In Development", ".25", (IF(OR([Rally Status]@row = "QA Testing", [Rally Status]@row = "UAT Testing", [Rally Status]@row = "Customer Testing"), ".5", (IF([Rally Status]@row = "Prod Ready", ".8", (IF([Rally Status]@row = "Completed", "1", (IF([Rally Status]@row = "Canceled", "0", (IF([Rally Status]@row = "On Hold", "0", "0"))))))))))))), =AVG((CHILDREN())))

Here is a screenshot of the Sheet.

Any help or a better solution is much appreciated.

Best Answer

  • Genevieve P.
    Genevieve P. Employee
    Answer ✓

    Hi @Dakota Haeffner

    A couple of things to note here. First of all, if you're looking to return a percent, you'll want to use decimals as you've done, however take away the "quotes" around the numbers. Quotes will turn numbers into text and so your % formatting won't be applied:

    =IF(IsParent@row = 0, IF(OR([Rally Status]@row = "Submitted", [Rally Status]@row = "Acknowledged", [Rally Status]@row = "Not Started/Backlogged", [Rally Status]@row = "0", [Rally Status]@row = "Defined/Ready"), 0.15, < like this

    You'll notice that in your Child cells the numbers appear on the left of the cell. This indicates that they're seen as Text (because of the "quotes"), which also means they cannot be Averaged.

    See: Frequently asked questions about using formulas

    Secondly, with the =AVG(CHILDREN at the end of the formula, make sure you remove the = sign. You will only want that at the very start of the entire formula, or as a logic statement (like this = that).

    Try This:

    =IF(IsParent@row = 0, (IF(OR([Rally Status]@row = "Submitted", [Rally Status]@row = "Acknowledged", [Rally Status]@row = "Not Started/Backlogged", [Rally Status]@row = "0", [Rally Status]@row = "Defined/Ready"), 0.15, IF([Rally Status]@row = "In Development", 0.25, IF(OR([Rally Status]@row = "QA Testing", [Rally Status]@row = "UAT Testing", [Rally Status]@row = "Customer Testing"), 0.5, IF([Rally Status]@row = "Prod Ready", 0.8, IF([Rally Status]@row = "Completed", 1, IF([Rally Status]@row = "Canceled", 0, IF([Rally Status]@row = "On Hold", 0, 0)))))))), AVG(CHILDREN()))



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  • Dakota Haeffner
    Dakota Haeffner ✭✭✭✭✭

    It is worth mentioning I do have the percentage button clicked for the column.

  • Genevieve P.
    Genevieve P. Employee
    Answer ✓

    Hi @Dakota Haeffner

    A couple of things to note here. First of all, if you're looking to return a percent, you'll want to use decimals as you've done, however take away the "quotes" around the numbers. Quotes will turn numbers into text and so your % formatting won't be applied:

    =IF(IsParent@row = 0, IF(OR([Rally Status]@row = "Submitted", [Rally Status]@row = "Acknowledged", [Rally Status]@row = "Not Started/Backlogged", [Rally Status]@row = "0", [Rally Status]@row = "Defined/Ready"), 0.15, < like this

    You'll notice that in your Child cells the numbers appear on the left of the cell. This indicates that they're seen as Text (because of the "quotes"), which also means they cannot be Averaged.

    See: Frequently asked questions about using formulas

    Secondly, with the =AVG(CHILDREN at the end of the formula, make sure you remove the = sign. You will only want that at the very start of the entire formula, or as a logic statement (like this = that).

    Try This:

    =IF(IsParent@row = 0, (IF(OR([Rally Status]@row = "Submitted", [Rally Status]@row = "Acknowledged", [Rally Status]@row = "Not Started/Backlogged", [Rally Status]@row = "0", [Rally Status]@row = "Defined/Ready"), 0.15, IF([Rally Status]@row = "In Development", 0.25, IF(OR([Rally Status]@row = "QA Testing", [Rally Status]@row = "UAT Testing", [Rally Status]@row = "Customer Testing"), 0.5, IF([Rally Status]@row = "Prod Ready", 0.8, IF([Rally Status]@row = "Completed", 1, IF([Rally Status]@row = "Canceled", 0, IF([Rally Status]@row = "On Hold", 0, 0)))))))), AVG(CHILDREN()))



    Need more information? 👀 | Help and Learning Center

    こんにちは (Konnichiwa), Hallo, Hola, Bonjour, Olá, Ciao!👋 | Global Discussions

  • Dakota Haeffner
    Dakota Haeffner ✭✭✭✭✭

    @Genevieve P.,

    That worked perfectly! I didn't know about " " making things text and that'll actually help with some other formulas I'm building too! Thank you for the assistance!

  • Bridget Clawson Braaten
    edited 04/20/24

    I had the same issue, once I knew the dependencies and predecessors were all set up, I made sure to put start and end dates in, that made the difference and the % percentage calc finally worked syncing child and parent %.

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