Referencing multiple columns on a different sheet

Dtrot55 ✭✭
edited 02/18/22 in Formulas and Functions


I'm currently trying to build out a report for myself and I want it to show the count of certain things in each cell that I put these functions in. Right now, I'm having an issue with it counting the value of boxes that are checked in a column, say in the last 7 days.

What I have right now:


So, what I'm trying to do here is give me the value of all the checked boxes in the referenced column from the last 7 days. So, one problem I'm running into is that I can't also include my date column in the sheet reference because the date column is not next to the column I am getting the value from. Is there a way to reference 2 columns that don't have to be next to each other to get the values I'm looking for?


  • Paul H
    Paul H Community Champion
    edited 02/18/22

    You would require a COUNTIFS not just a COUNTIF

    Checkbox are 0 for unchecked, 1 for checked

    your today statement needs to be would be Today()-7

  • Dtrot55
    Dtrot55 ✭✭
    edited 02/18/22

    Thanks Paul!

    I'm not as familiar with COUNTIFS. Tried something real quick and seems I have something wrong:

    =COUNTIFS({tracker} Scaffold:Scaffold, Checked, Publish Date:Publish Date, Today()-7)

    Tracker is the sheet it is referencing.

  • Dtrot55
    Dtrot55 ✭✭

    I did get the check boxes to come in correctly, but now the date is blowing it up. Where I'm at so far:

    =COUNTIFS({tracker}, =1, [Publish Date]:[Publish Date], <=TODAY(-7))

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