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Display of a formula under/above row



In some sheets i have long formulas to grab many intermediate values and eg. sum them in one cell. Problem is when I need to click a cell and this is hidden by formula. Can the formula be displayed under/above a row where I'm typing?

2017-05-02 08_39_12-Wyceny-kalkulacja - Smartsheet.com_.png



  • Mike Wilday
    Mike Wilday Community Champion

    This has been a nuisance to me as well. I get around it by scrolling slightly with my mouse wheel - or the side scrollbar...while I am working in the pop-up window. It tends to reveal what  I need. 

  • Brad Jones
    Brad Jones ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    Right on man!  This has been a pain for me for a while.  The workaround was easy enough (press the escape key and then click where I need to), but why not put the formula out of the way?

    Another option, put it into a little bar at the top of the browser window.  Then it's not in the way of ANYTHING :)

  • J. Craig Williams
    J. Craig Williams ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    My work-around is to select the cell below the one I want and then change the row number manually.

    This is also a thorn I would be grateful to see removed.

    It would be worse if, you know, I wrote formulas often. angel


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