Send report as attachment in Excel format without comments

Warren Labuschagne
Warren Labuschagne ✭✭✭✭✭
edited 08/19/22 in Formulas and Functions

Hi, I would like to send a report in Excel format, but do not want the comments to be visible to recipient. Currently they are on a separate tab.

Rgds Warren

Best Answer

  • Gia Thinh
    Gia Thinh ✭✭✭✭✭✭
    Answer βœ“

    Im thinking about removing attachments in the sheet before sending email.

    Assume that all your sheet, report are in the same folder

    Save as new your folder, uncheck Attachments , then send the new report in excel format as you want. In this case, the comment tab has no data.

    It's a work around but hope that helps.

    Gia Thinh Technology - Smartsheet Solution Partner.


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