Where does my IF formula go awry?

I have nested IF formulas that work as stand alone statements but when they are combine, I get "INVALID OPERATION"

This is the full operation: =IF([Construction Complete]@row > [Last Weeks Cx date]@row, "Date Slide", =IF([Construction Complete]@row < [Last Weeks Cx date]@row, "Improved", "Same"))

If the first statement is true, it works and I get "Date Slide". If not, I get the error. But if I take just the second statement on, it works for the remainder.

=IF([Construction Complete]@row < [Last Weeks Cx date]@row, "Improved", "Same")

What is my issue?

Best Answer

  • Leibel S
    Leibel S Community Champion
    Answer ✓


    You just need to remove the 2nd '=' sign.

    =IF([Construction Complete]@row > [Last Weeks Cx date]@row, "Date Slide", IF([Construction Complete]@row < [Last Weeks Cx date]@row, "Improved", "Same"))


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