Status symbols using greater and less than

I"ve been working with a formula for some time without success. I have a column that has an "Action Score" from 1 - 9. I'm trying to have another column display a "Up", "Sideways" or "Down" symbol based on the score.

8 or above gets Up

5 - 7 gets Sideways

1 - 4 gets Down

Here is the formula I've attempted:

=IF([Action Score]@row >= 8, "Up", IF([Action Score]@row <= 4, "Down", IF([Action Score]@row >= 5, [Action Score]@row <= 7, "Sideways")))

It's the Sideways formula that keeps tripping me up. I can't get it to work, though I've tried it multiple ways.

Thoughts? Ideas?

Thanks so much.

Best Answer

  • Genevieve P.
    Genevieve P. Employee
    Answer ✓

    Hi @DBRCIO

    You've actually done all the hard work! You've told the formula what to do if it's greater than or equal to 8, then what to do if it's less than or equal to 4... all that's left are the in-between numbers.

    That actually means you don't need to write a statement at all, you could simply go right in to the "Sideways" as the only possible leftover!

    =IF([Action Score]@row >= 8, "Up", IF([Action Score]@row <= 4, "Down", "Sideways"))

    If you did want to write out the statement, you're just missing an AND Function to tell the formula you're looking for both criteria in one IF:

    =IF([Action Score]@row >= 8, "Up", IF([Action Score]@row <= 4, "Down", IF(AND([Action Score]@row >= 5, [Action Score]@row <= 7), "Sideways")))



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  • Genevieve P.
    Genevieve P. Employee
    Answer ✓

    Hi @DBRCIO

    You've actually done all the hard work! You've told the formula what to do if it's greater than or equal to 8, then what to do if it's less than or equal to 4... all that's left are the in-between numbers.

    That actually means you don't need to write a statement at all, you could simply go right in to the "Sideways" as the only possible leftover!

    =IF([Action Score]@row >= 8, "Up", IF([Action Score]@row <= 4, "Down", "Sideways"))

    If you did want to write out the statement, you're just missing an AND Function to tell the formula you're looking for both criteria in one IF:

    =IF([Action Score]@row >= 8, "Up", IF([Action Score]@row <= 4, "Down", IF(AND([Action Score]@row >= 5, [Action Score]@row <= 7), "Sideways")))



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    こんにちは (Konnichiwa), Hallo, Hola, Bonjour, Olá, Ciao!👋 | Global Discussions

    DBRCIO ✭✭

    OMG 🙄, thank you so much @Genevieve P. for taking the time to respond. That worked!! And since it was putting a "Down" arrow for a Zero (and I'd prefer nothing to display), I added the following "AND" Function for the Down arrow.

    =IF([Action Score]@row >= 8, "Up", IF(AND([Action Score]@row <= 4, [Action Score]@row >= 1), "Down", IF(AND([Action Score]@row >= 5, [Action Score]@row <= 7), "Sideways")))


  • No problem at all! I'm glad you got it to work. 🙂

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    こんにちは (Konnichiwa), Hallo, Hola, Bonjour, Olá, Ciao!👋 | Global Discussions

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