Archived 2017 Posts

Archived 2017 Posts

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Hover over discussion or comment symbol to show latest comment(s)

edited 12/09/19 in Archived 2017 Posts

We have a request for team members to be able to hover over the discussion/comment icon for a given row in order to view the latest comments.  Even if it is the first line or two, that would help them have context.  Currently viewing the activity log or selecting the export, the users need to find the rows associated to the comments


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    I suggested this many moons ago.  But, be warned, they expect you to use the Quick Link to submit Enhancement Requests now.  Please do though, as it is a great idea.  They alrready have the feature in the comments section where they show the last date if a comment was updated.

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    This is wonderful idea. 

    In fact, we would love to see Task info on hover over task bar (like start date, end date, or possibly configurable). 

This discussion has been closed.

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