RAG Conversion formula

hi All,

Hoping someone can help me out...

-Column A is a Forecast RAG Traffic Light column

-Column B is a formula that converts these RAG to a numeric value eg (R = 0 , A = 0.5 , G = 1)

-Column C is a $Day Rate

-Column D is a $Total Rate

My issue is when I create a formula in Column D of =ColumnB*ColumnC I am presented with the #INVALID OPERATION error

Any suggestions how to get around this?



  • Kelly Moore
    Kelly Moore Community Champion

    Hey @Kegan Copas

    If possible, please post your current formula. Is column C also a formula? If yes, is it possible to post that? Also, is it possible to get a screenshot of your data?

    My suspicion is you have data in your formula that is behaving as text rather than values. The above requests will help the community troubleshoot those questions.


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