Invites coming back as declined

Hi, I've tried to add 2 users today and they have come back declined. The user gets a "cannot Complete Invitation" email. We have plenty of available licenses. Any help on this would be appreciated



  • I also tried sharing a sheet and got the following

  • I'm having the same issue.

  • jaclyng
    jaclyng ✭✭

    I am getting this error multiple times in a few weeks, and cannot figure out why this is happening. I've added them and then removed them, then added them back and it's not working.

    Please advise.

  • Hi @jaclyng

    There are a few things to check here:

    1. Do you have enough licenses available to provide one to a user? E.g. if your plan has 3 licenses, are all 3 being used currently?
    2. Check with your IT department to ensure that Smartsheet emails can be received (see this article). It's possible that there's some sort of "link sniffer" as part of your company's security which automatically declines requests like this via email links.
    3. Ask the user to create a free account in Smartsheet first, to ensure they can log in to the app with their own email/password. Then send the invite and ask them to accept it via the app (see here) instead of via email.

    I hope that helps!


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  • jaclyng
    jaclyng ✭✭

    @Genevieve P.

    Thank you so much for your response! To answer your questions:

    1)23 licenses left on our account

    2)IT confirmed traces on the emails that each of the recipients email received the invitations, with no issue

    3)I will try this but if this is the only route that works there must be a bug? Seems like a cumbersome workaround to continuously have folks create trials to then get into our org

    We were just acquired and all were issued new secondary emails with our new domain, those will become primary emails in the near future so if #3 doesn't work I'm going to try with our new emails and see if there was any different resolution.

  • Hi @jaclyng

    Thanks for confirming you have enough licenses!

    The time I've seen this auto-decline happen before is due to a security software (such as Proof Point). The email is successfully received, but since it was generated by software, the link is seen as potentially malicious and security un-subscribes the recipient automatically (auto-declining the request).

    To prevent software from causing these unintentional unsubscribes, you'll need to ask your IT team to add the domain to the link sniffer/security software's allow list.

    Let me know if skipping the email portion of the request (going right into the app) helped, or if your IT team confirmed if there's a security software that can have the Smartsheet domain added to it.



    Join us at Smartsheet ENGAGE 2024 🎉
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  • I am having a sporadic issue with adding people too. Added 7 users to my account (none require licenses). 5 had no issue and 2 came back as declined. One I was able to resend the invite and it is now active. Other is pending. This is not a security issue as all items would have been declined.

    I believe the two who cam back as declined may have had a sheet shared to their email but they did not access the link, create an account, or register. opening a ticket now.