Using Index/Match to pull column names where values =1

I currently have one SmartSheet set up to track viewership of multiple learning courses. Each learning course is its own column heading. ID numbers comprise my primary column. When someone enters their ID into a form they watch the video & a new row populates with a 1 in the column relating to which course they viewed, & leaves all other columns empty (because they relate to other learning courses, not viewed by the user).

I would like to cross reference ID numbers from a second sheet with an Index/Match formula, and have it pull back to me which videos (Column Headers) those matching ID numbers watched. Is this possible?

Thanking you in advance!

Best Answer

  • iamsteve
    iamsteve ✭✭
    Answer ✓

    After working on this the past 4 hours, I realized that I can't pull column names, & potentially multiple column names using index/match, or any formula for that matter...unless I am mistaken? So I reluctantly pulled the data from each & every Learning Course using index/matching to the ID numbers on my secondary sheet. Now I have the data I need, organized the way I need it, to pass up the ladder.

    Thank you anyways Paul 🙏

    I'm sure I will need some expert assistance soon enough!


  • Is my best workaround to add in a new row 1 with all of the column names listed (the titles of the Learning Courses) & Index that info where my ID numbers match & a 1 is entered in that particular column?

  • Paul Newcome
    Paul Newcome Community Champion

    Are you able to provide some screenshots for reference?

  • iamsteve
    iamsteve ✭✭
    Answer ✓

    After working on this the past 4 hours, I realized that I can't pull column names, & potentially multiple column names using index/match, or any formula for that matter...unless I am mistaken? So I reluctantly pulled the data from each & every Learning Course using index/matching to the ID numbers on my secondary sheet. Now I have the data I need, organized the way I need it, to pass up the ladder.

    Thank you anyways Paul 🙏

    I'm sure I will need some expert assistance soon enough!

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