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All my text, most of my predecessors and all my resource allocations - disappeared

Ben Packman
edited 05/08/17 in Archived 2017 Posts

I have been working on a Smartsheet for my client - I am a licensed user on their system.

I had just tidied up all my reports and old sheets…. and disaster!  I can see the structure of my plan, but it has lost all the text, predecessors and resource allocations!  This is most strange - see attached screenshot.

I cannot understand how this can happen.  I did delete some outbound links to an old sheet - but I might expect this to affect a few rows if I had made a mistake… as only a few rows were linked, not the whole sheet.  It is like the data has corrupted in some way.

Any ideas please?  I have not had any response from support yet - 15hrs and counting.

EDIT: should also point out that I have a alert setup for changes, which conspicuously did not arrive this morning.




  • Alex Xu

    I would check the activity tracker for that sheet. It's located at the bottom right hand side of the interface.

    Hope you track down your missing info.

  • Ben Packman

    Thanks Alex, it is still a bit of a mystery as to why it happened - but I managed to get a backup from Smartsheet Support and re-instated the data manually.  Painful but better than re-keying.

    The activity tracker isn't available in Team accounts unfortunately.


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