How can I get the copy of "Send me a copy of my responses"

I would like the same email that is sent to the person who fills out the form and clicks "Send me a copy of my responses" sent to others in my orgaization - is this possible?


  • Kevin Smith
    Kevin Smith ✭✭✭✭✭✭


    I do not believe that exact feature is possible. It would be a great idea to submit using this link: Smartsheet Product Feedback for an Enhancement Request.

    You could create a report that sends out new rows when they occur to whomever you choose or send new rows in an automation/notification. I hope either of those work for your needs.

    Thank you,


    Happy to help if I can.

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  • Thank you. Yes, I have created the automation but the form we have is pretty detaileD and I dont like the format of the email teh automation generates. It's strange to me that I have to build automation to get something that is automatically sent to the user just by clicking a button. Thanks again!

  • Kevin Smith
    Kevin Smith ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    Have you considered the Document Builder to Create PDF feature. You would create a PDF template and populate it with the data from a row. It allows you to have greater control over how it looks. This is a link

    Document Builder overview: Generate documents from row data | Smartsheet Learning Center

    I hope that helps or that they add the functionality you are looking for at some point.

    Thank you,


    Happy to help if I can.

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  • Thank you. We recieve over 400 requests a week, it is not scalable to create a document for each scenario. I need an automated way to get the same information that is sent to the submitter to specific teams based on the selections made. I have work flows for this - The teams get the information but the formatting is terrible and it links to a sheet they don't have access to (they only need to know what the submitter filled out in the form). The copy of response sent to the submitter is exactly what I need sent out to my different teams.

  • Bek T
    Bek T ✭✭✭

    Carly did you ever find a solution to this? As I'm in the same situation and while I've tried an auto-workflow as our sheet has checkboxes the email generated saying 'true/false' depending on if a checkbox was ticked isn't the greatest. I've upvoted and will also pose as a product enhancement (as was suggested above) but if you've got any further insight would love to hear it! Ngā mihi