Copy/Move Row Automated Workflow Not Working

edited 04/28/22 in Formulas and Functions

Hi there,

I have two very basic workflows set up - when the "status" column of a row in one sheet is changed to "review", I want that row to be copied to another sheet. The second workflow is the exact same, but when "status" is changed to "complete" I want that row to be moved to another sheet. The workflows are not triggering despite refreshing, recreating the sheets I want them to move to, etc. - any advice? I've confirmed they are not being copied/moved to the bottom of the sheet.

Thank you!

Best Answer

  • Christian Graf
    Christian Graf Community Champion
    Answer ✓

    Make sure that they start at one value that is not in the workflow, and save the sheet. Next update the value, and save the sheet. Now wait 5 minutes and refresh the sheets. Is the workflow enabled? sometimes it is disabled and that is why its not working.

    For your second status you have 3 values. Try to determine if you need a separate workflow for each value. It might be searching for a cell with all three values in it.


  • Christian Graf
    Christian Graf Community Champion
    Answer ✓

    Make sure that they start at one value that is not in the workflow, and save the sheet. Next update the value, and save the sheet. Now wait 5 minutes and refresh the sheets. Is the workflow enabled? sometimes it is disabled and that is why its not working.

    For your second status you have 3 values. Try to determine if you need a separate workflow for each value. It might be searching for a cell with all three values in it.

  • That worked, thank you! Looks like I just had to set everything up in the right order. The second status with the three values worked after I followed the same steps you outlined for the first one.

    Now the row that was copied into the other sheet is getting duplicated :) I think I saw a question about this elsewhere in the community so I'll see if I can figure out how to fix that there.

    Thank you so much!

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