Pulling from Multi-Select to populate under appropriate line in another sheet


I am using the attached formula to try and ensure that I can expand the formula (currently has a 1:1 from a Project plan with RACI into a RACI Matrix with tasks associated to users) so that rather than creating a duplicate row for every person responsible (from a group) I wanted to change it to a multi select and have it function the same way. I have tried HAS but is not updating correctly.

So the flow is: Project template with tasks and named resource to work on the task then populates a RACI matrix.

The first picture is the current logic

Below is what the reference project plan looks like

If it is a single name then it presents like this with the names in a separate column as resource:

Reading up on HAS it should look for the one to many and pull them over into the RACI correct? Or am I missing the part where each value creates it's own row?

Thanks in advance


Best Answer

  • Leibel S
    Leibel S Community Champion
    Answer ✓

    @Dyann E

    Below is an example of how you would use the HAS function to accomplish what you need (add additional if formulas as needed).

    =IF(HAS(VLOOKUP([Track 1]$1, {Project Plan - Template Range 1}, 2, 0), Resource@row), "R")


  • Leibel S
    Leibel S Community Champion
    Answer ✓

    @Dyann E

    Below is an example of how you would use the HAS function to accomplish what you need (add additional if formulas as needed).

    =IF(HAS(VLOOKUP([Track 1]$1, {Project Plan - Template Range 1}, 2, 0), Resource@row), "R")

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