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Help Desk - Communicating with end user

Ted Hsieh
Ted Hsieh
edited 05/09/17 in Archived 2017 Posts

I'm using the Help Desk template to manage my incoming tickets.  However, I don't see a way to be able to communicate with the end users within the system.  I would like to be able to email the end user and have the email chain as an attachment to the row in the Smartsheet.  Is this possible?  It also doesn't seem to notify the end user when the ticket has been closed.


  • Mike Wilday
    Mike Wilday ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    If you have the webform include the user's email as a field, in a column that is a Contact List column, you could set up a notification that would fire when the ticket is changed to a closed state. You would have to limit which fields are sent to the submitter so they don't see all the information on the ticket, but you can customize emails that are sent from the notification. When you click the customize button at the bottom of the notification you can limit which fields are sent with the email. 

    This help article will help you with details for setting up the notifications: https://help.smartsheet.com/articles/542904-using-notifications

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