Need help with formula - count if and combining two columns

I am new with formulas and looking for something similar. I have two columns and right now:

=COUNTIF(Priority:Priority, "High")

but I want to also capture if the Status is only 'In Progress' and 'Not Started'. Because right now its capturing anything with priority High... which makes sense. Each time I was adding a AND or CONTAINS I was getting an error.


  • Dan W
    Dan W ✭✭✭✭✭

    You will want to use COUNTIFS

    =COUNTIFS(Priority:Priority, "High", Status:Status, "In Progress")

    Here is a link with the SS Explination

  • ok so I did that but I always want to add in another status:

    =COUNTIFS(Priority:Priority, "High", Status:Status, "In Progress", Status:Status, "Not Started")

    It should be counting at least 1 and its showing 0. I am on the struggle bus today.

  • Dan W
    Dan W ✭✭✭✭✭

    You can just + another set of COUNTIFS.

    The IFS would need to match if you put them all together. so you would separate them into two.

    =COUNTIFS(Priority:Priority, Priority:Priority = "High", status:status, status:status = "In Progress") + COUNTIFS(Priority:Priority, Priority:Priority = "High", status:status, status:status = "not started")

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