Show my "up next date" based on the child-parent task relationship?

edited 06/13/22 in Formulas and Functions

Hi! I've been using the MIN and MAX children functions to roll up dates from child tasks, or sub-tasks, to the parent task.

I also want to create a column that looks at the dates of each sub-tasks and grabs the one closest to today's date so I know the "next upcoming due date" among a parent's children/sub-tasks. What would be the best way to write that formula? Is that possible?

If it's helpful, here's an example:

  • I have the parent task "Initiative 1"
  • It has 4 child tasks "Step 1, Step 2, Step 3, Step 4"
  • Step 1 is giving me my min/start date
  • Step 4 is giving me my max/end date
  • Step 1 is complete and I want to have a column that pulls step 2 date to the parent task so I know the next upcoming date or milestone on Initiative 1
  • How do I show Step 2's date on Initiative 1 (parent task/row) and without doing it manually?


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