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Smartsheet Community Team: Meet Max 👋🏻

Hi, I’m Maxwell, your Community Technical Manager as well as Digital Marketing Specialist for all of Smartsheet’s web properties.

Here are 5 fun facts about me:

  1. Just like Alison, I’ve worked at Smartsheet for two years (wow the time has flown and loved every minute of it), and my role has evolved quite a bit over this time. I love getting to know our Community Members and hearing from you about how we can improve your experience within our Community platform gives me immense joy.
  2. I grew up in Seattle but I now currently live in Upstate NY with my fiancé, Emily, and dog, Finn. I plan on living here for the next few years until moving back to the Greater Seattle Area to be closer to family.
  3. Running is my primary hobby outside of work, and YTD I’ve run 1 ½ marathons a month. My plan is to continue running one each month for the remainder of the year as well as sprinkling two marathons later in the year (one of which will be the NYC marathon!).
  4. I love spending time outside with my little family, eating copious amounts of pasta (will never turn down carbonara), and traveling to new places often.
  5. If there was one activity I could do each day for the rest of my life, it would be going to watch a Major League Baseball game in person (doesn’t matter what team or location). I find attending a baseball game is so therapeutic where I can unwind, pay full attention, chat with friends/family at an audible volume, and eat garlic fries and peanuts for hours.

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