Smartsheet Dashboard questions

Yakshita Srivastava
Yakshita Srivastava ✭✭✭✭
edited 06/15/22 in Smartsheet Basics

anyone experienced a dashboard value changing when saving to PDF? for 1 line item, the date is randomly pushed out on the Gantt in PDF but in the dashboard itself is still accurate. The date it's resetting to in PDF is no where to be found in the underlying sheet or report.

Best Answer

  • Seth Morth
    Seth Morth ✭✭✭✭✭
    Answer ✓

    Hello Yakshita,

    That's a new one for me. The printing to .PDF eaves a bit to be desired. I've gotten around weirdies like that by putting in a bogus date and then deleting it from the .PDF when it printed. The bogus date allows me to nudge the print area. Not ideal, but it works and may help you with your issue. Or maybe it won't.
