Question on using Sumifs

Jesselynn ✭✭
edited 06/17/22 in Formulas and Functions

I'm trying to create a sheet that will calculate the sum of a referenced sheets based on a condition. The first column of the range is "status" and I want to report only "ongoing" statuses, the second column I want to use is "hard savings or soft" and only report "hard", and I'm trying to report the sum of the values in the "savings" column. Anyone know how to create this formula?



  • Antonio de Sousa
    Antonio de Sousa ✭✭✭
    edited 06/17/22


    I would use the Sheet Summary functionality and create a field with the COUNTIFS function for rows "Ongoing" and "Hard".

    This is the function I used for the example below:

    =COUNTIFS(Status:Status; ="Ongoing"; Savings:Savings; ="Hard")

    Hope it helps.


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