Formulas and Functions

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Cross Sheet SUMIFS by date and name

edited 06/21/22 in Formulas and Functions

I want to use a formula to get a sum of a weight from a list on a separate sheet that matches a certain name and has a ready date that falls within a certain month.

=SUMIFS({CFL & VL Product Stock List Range 1}, {CFL & VL Product Stock List Strain Name}, "Banana Baby", {CFL & VL Product Stock List Est. Ship Date}, "July 2022")

This above formula brings back a 0 but not the result I was looking for

=SUMIFS({CFL & VL Product Stock List Est Yield}, MONTH = 7, {CFL & VL Product Stock List Strain Name}, "Cold Creek Kush")

This above formula brings back #UNPARSEABLE

Any suggestions on what I am doing wrong?

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