Additional Code to be added

mike.thorpe17421 ✭✭✭✭✭
edited 06/21/22 in Formulas and Functions

I have created the following formula to count the number of cells for 2 specific requirements

=COUNTIFS({Reference Sheet 1}, Country@row, {Reference Sheet 1}, Name of topic)

This gives me what I want but I now need to add new criteria that looks at another column which is a date and I only want to count where a date exists and secondly at another column that contains either the words "To be launched" or "No launch planned" or "On Hold"

Any help much appreciated

Many thanks



  • Paul Newcome
    Paul Newcome Community Champion

    You would continue with the same syntax of range comma criteria.

    =COUNTIFS({Reference Sheet 1}, Country@row, {Reference Sheet 1}, Name of topic, {range}, criteria, {range}, criteria)

  • mike.thorpe17421
    mike.thorpe17421 ✭✭✭✭✭

    Thanks Paul. managed to get this work when one criteria is selected from the same range. Couldnt get it to calculate where more than one criteria from the same range is selected. i.e.

    In the range there are the following criteria "To be launched" or "No launch planned" or "On Hold" as it appears to be looking for all of these or is it any of these.

    Also what is the formula when looking for anything to appear in the date field, i.e. it is not empty.

    Thanks again for your help.

  • Paul Newcome
    Paul Newcome Community Champion

    I'm not sure if I responded before your update or if I misunderstood your original question.

    When there are multiple possibilities for the same range, you use an OR like so:

    =COUNTIFS({Range}, OR(@cell = "To be launched", @cell = "On Hold", @cell = "No launch planned"))

    To count for a cell containing any data (not empty):

    =COUNTIFS({Range}, @cell <> "")

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