
Can anyone help me figure this out. I'm trying to add a COUNTIFS to my sheet and I'm getting an Unparseable error.

=COUNTIFS({Sales Ops Support Ticket Tracking with Form}, [Group Name/Portfolio]:[Group Name/Portfolio], "Gift & Home", [Salesforce Item]:[Salesforce Item], Account Owner Mass Update)



  • JCluff
    JCluff ✭✭✭✭

    What if you put quotations around "Account Owner Mass Update"?

  • sgolliher

    tried just now and got the same error

  • JCluff
    JCluff ✭✭✭✭

    Ah, I should have looked closer at the formula. The issue is COUNTIFS wants range, then criteria. Your current formula starts by designating a range through referencing another sheet, then the next part of your formula is another range when it should be the criteria. Your reference to another sheet should be your range then "Gift & Home" would be your criteria.


    =COUNTIFS({Sales Ops Support Ticket Tracking with Form}, [Group Name/Portfolio]:[Group Name/Portfolio], "Gift & Home", [Salesforce Item]:[Salesforce Item], Account Owner Mass Update)

    When you are selecting your range and referencing another sheet, name the reference as the cells/column you are referencing like the example below.

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