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Notifying multip;e folks when a change is made to a specific ow


We're a construction company and change orders are a nightmare when not tracked properly. We're working on a "from the field" change order system and I'm the sales/estimator.  What I'd like to do is once I get notification from the crew that a change order needs to be generated, and then inform the bookkeeper, lead carpenter and anyone else that the procedure has started and that a spreadsheet form has been attached to the "change order row on the job's SS.

We have a row (line) that now that is a parent of the steps (child rows) involved and it's owned by me. Right now the crew and bookkeeping don't monitor the sheets and only I see changes that they make to their lines.  I don't want to send them an alert everytime row or column changes, made by me or someone else.

So, long story short, how would I notify the crewmember and/or bookkeeping ( basically numerous folks) when I modify or add a note to a specific row t(hat is "change order"?) 


  • J. Craig Williams
    J. Craig Williams ✭✭✭✭✭✭


    The easiest way might be add a column for "Change Order" (check box would work but it doesn't matter much)

    Set up a Notification for "When a row is added, updated, or deleted".

    Add the Condition that the "Change Order" column is checked (or whatever you decide the marker will be).

    Hope this helps.



  • Craig,


    Thanks much.  I created a column called "change order " which is a text column  I set up an alert that will send to all involved that any changes to this column. That way when I set up the CO all will know, and if I change that column or edit that particular cell (eg. row #100, column "CO" all will know that additional info is to be had and check the Comments column.  Sound like a plan...feel free to poke a hole in this.

  • J. Craig Williams
    J. Craig Williams ✭✭✭✭✭✭


    That works.

    You can either set up the notification to look at a particular column for the change or you can set up to look at the whole run as long as something exists in your column that differentiates it from the other rows.


  • Thanks, Craig,

    I'm wavering between a text box in the column or a  check box.  Both will work fo me.

    I wondering if there's a way to say when the check box if clicked send a notify all, which I have already done, but then if the "comment " box is changed after the check box is already clicked off then notify.  I could do it as notify everybody when the column "comment" is changed but that would annoy everybody who does care about that particular task.



  • J. Craig Williams
    J. Craig Williams ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    You can set up multiple notifications to refine what you are looking for.

    If you have Team plan, the limit is supposed to be 5 notifications / sheet. I can't test though, thankfully, changes are grand-fathered in. 


  • I'll play around and see what I can come up with.


    Thanks again

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