Help Required to Build Formulae for Metric from Data Entry Sheet

Denny V
Denny V
edited 07/05/22 in Formulas and Functions

Dear Commuinity ,

I need the following output to be shown in the Metric Calculation Sheet as follows from the Data Entry Sheet Maintained by Procurment as follows

Awaiting response on the way forwards to get the Output


  • Genevieve P.

    Hi @Denny V

    Is the screen capture showing your current Data Entry Sheet, and you want to use formulas to create calculations?

    If this is your main source sheet, I would recommend creating a Report from this sheet. Then you can Group by the Client Name and use the Summary feature on your "No of PO" column if you want to SUM the data. Here's a free webinar that goes through these features: Redesigned Reports with Grouping and Summary Functions

    If I have misunderstood you, can you identify what metrics you're looking to get? Do you have a screen capture of the "Metric Calculation Sheet"?



  • Denny V

    hi ,

    Thanks for the response , I hope my question was not clear . Sorry for that .

    Kindly see the Sample Date Entry Sheet being Maintained by the users

    From the above data Entry sheet , Require help on on getting the below output in another sheet (Metric Sheet) .

    Color coded for easy understanding . thanks

  • Genevieve P.

    Hi @Denny V

    Thank you for these images, this really helps!

    I would still actually suggest using a Report:

    • Group by the Client Name
    • Summarize a COUNT on the PO No column
    • Summarize a SUM on the Amount column

    This will then be automatically updated as you update the original sheet. Have you tested the Report feature?

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